NorthPop machine learning/AI workshop 18 October 2022
A first NorthPop workshop on machine learning and artificial intelligence (AI) methods was held on Umeå University campus on Tuesday 18 October 2022.
A group of 20 researches affiliated with the NorthPop study and invited experts from the Department of Mathematics and Mathematical Statistics and Umeå School of Business, Economics and Statistics (USBE) participated with the aim of starting to look into which machine learning, data-driven methods would be suitable to use on the extensive NorthPop cohort datasets.
The mix of clinicians, statisticians, PhD students, lab and research assistants and fellows contributed to excellent multidisciplinary discussions.
As well as presentations from a number of researchers already working on the NorthPop data, there were presentations with introduction to data analysis for big and complex data, machine learning and causal inference, machine learning and local explanation methods, cluster analysis, random forest and GWAS.
“Very inspiring – we all need to learn more and collaborate around these methods” said Magnus Domellöf who hosted the workshop together with Prof Christina West and Associate professor Patrik Rydén. The plan is to continue to build on the foundations during this meeting and hold another workshop next year.