We are happy to announce that several researchers with links and/or association to the N4 research group have been awarded grants in the latest call within ‘planning of clinical studies in therapy research’ and ‘clinical studies within therapy research’ from the Swedish Research Council – congratulations!
Out of these we want to take this opportunity highlight the OPTION study (Prof Magnus Domellöf is a member of the scientific committee) where PI Verena Sengpiel of Västra Götalandsregionen has been awarded over 19 million SEK over the next four years for the study.
The OPTION study aims to investigate pregnant mothers’, partners’, midwifes’ and obstetricians’ experience of home induction including health related and economic aspects for both mother and child.
In Denmark and Finland home induction has been an option for a long time and there are more examples around the world, such as Australia and Great Britain. This study is a multicentre collaboration in Sweden, where most of the hospitals with a delivery ward aim to participate, including Umeå.
Once again – huge congratulations from the N4 research group to this grant!
For more information, visit the Swedish Research Council at https://www.vr.se/english/applying-for-funding/decisions/2021-08-25-clinical-therapy-research.html and https://www.optionstudien.se/